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The Doors of Shad Thames

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Do you ever walk down a street and find yourself stopping to stare at its doorways? I do.

Meet the doors of Shad Thames, a historic, pretty cobbled street running parallel to the river Thames.

The Doorways of Shad Thames

The Doorways of Shad Thames

The Doorways of Shad Thames

The Doorways of Shad Thames

The Doorways of Shad Thames

The Doorways of Shad Thames

The Doorways of Shad Thames

These are usually streets with a human scale - narrow, intimate and pedestrianised. Streets where the doors open right onto the pavements, their private realms just barely separated from the public - separated only by these intimate doors. I find myself intrigued by what's behind them, more so when there are no signs outside to betray the secret. More on Shad Thames soon.

4 comments so far:

Paul Nixon said...

That's another area that's been beautified in recent times; nice photos.

Arisudan said...

Intriguing... and there is a certain feel of a silent poetry in these doors... they DO fascinate!

Anonymous said...

That's my old hood. Great to see it through another person's eyes.

Shilpa Bhatnagar said...

Paul: I really like the part-gritty, part-refashioned feel of this place. I would have clicked more, except I would have died from the cold! The icy draughts from the river were threatening to knock me cold.

Ignited: Thanks! Yes, I tried toc apture what you call "silent poetry", that mystery that sits in these almost-private-but-public views. Glad you liked it :)

Anonymous: How exciting to have a reader who has a personal memory of my photographs! Glad you dropped by. I'm planning to go back and click more very soon, so do keep a look out. :)

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