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The Flaneurbanite is Here! Please Update Your Bookmarks and Feeds!

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I present to you the new improved and much larger version of Urban Legends: 

The new site is much more than just a blog.
Not only does it have all the content (and all your comments) from the last three years on this blog, but also other stuff that I get up to.

Which includes Urbanism, which is what I do to earn my living;
Design, which I have a keen interest in;
Writing, which as some of you already know I do quite a bit of;
and of course my original love - flanerie and photography, which is just a continuation of this blog.

This is what it looks like:

The Four Blogs:

And "Everything Else" - a place for my writing on quite literally, everything else! 

But this is not all. I'm also going to be hosting my ongoing Writing and Photography portfolios on the new site - so if you're interested, you might want to click through to that section and see what I've been up to.

And do please update your bookmarks and feed readers with the new url.
But before you do that, please click through to the site, check out my new content and please, please do let me know what you think

This new website has been a project close to my heart and it's taken me a long time and lots of hard work to make it happen (especially as I am no whiz at technology - it takes me ages to do what it might take a tech literate person five minutes to do!).

I would love to get your feedback and comments over there - and I can't wait to get going!

And Do Say Hello :)

PS: I won't be closing this blog for the foreseeable future, but I might add a redirect link to the new website in a few weeks.

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